09 June 2008

The Energy Within.

Monday again.Last weekend i was searching for the 'energy'.The enery that always pushes me to do all my jobs.I don't think its the calories that i'm lacking of..But still I am being more sluggish than before..i've been taking so much time to do one job,which takes much less time before.Am i getting old?Or am i being comfortable on where i am?Maybe.Time to think Froggy.Its not what i want for myself,but its what can i do for myself..Yeah,I can do better than this..

Aang revamped.


Anonymous said...

rock rock rock!

froggypapa said...

ehhehe..ingat sape td..ko rupenye..tq bro..

Anonymous said...

yo bro
mcm nih ko kata sluggish? byk yg merangkak lagi nak siapkan this level of art bro. kira cun ++ apa.
aku rasa, ko ngan aku sama la,..
da masuk comfort zone, jadik maleh..
satu masa dulu, aku penah pulun artwork sekeping sehari..(loose)
sekarang nih, idea minggu lepas pun tak lukis2 lagi.
-yon sama

froggypapa said...

yon,ko tak tau aku dulu lg produktif woo..masa aku keje anak2 sidek dulu,pulun dr pg sampai mlm mmg xde hal punye..smpai claim aku melambak2..skrg ni dh x mcm dulu la kiranye..sedih aku..